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fpm start-project
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fpm start-project

fpm start-project <package-name> [package-path] is used to generate a template project under the given package name at the specific path if provided.

-n, --name: <package-name> is a required field for package name.

-p, --path: [package-path] is an optional field for package path, if not specified it will generate a template in the current working directory.


  • fpm start-project -n amitu.com, This will create a ftd template named amitu.com in the current working directory.

Path: ./amitu.com/ -> Template files

  • fpm start-project --name foo.com/bar, Similarly, here ftd template will be created in the below mentioned path based on the package Url.

Path: ./foo.com/bar/ -> Template files

  • fpm start-project -n hello-world-app -p projects/tutorials, In this case, ftd template will be created at the user specified path.

Path: ./projects/tutorials/hello-world-app/ -> Template files