Author Manual
Builder Manual
FPM Variables
import: fpm
$processor$: http
$processor$: toc
$processor$: package-query
$processor$: get-data
$processor$: sitemap
import: fpm
Foreign Variables
$processor$: full-sitemap
$processor$: user-groups
$processor$: user-group-by-id
$processor$: document-readers
$processor$: document-writers
$processor$: document-name
$processor$: document-id
$processor$: document-full-id
$processor$: document-suffix
$processor$: get-identities

$processor$: sitemap

Sitemap in FPM.ftd
-- fpm.sitemap:
readers: <group name>
writers: <group name>

# Section: section/url/
readers: <group name>
writers: <group name>

# If Section: Has A Colon In The Name
url: sectionURL

## Sub Section: sub/url/
readers: <group name>
writers: <group name>

## If Sub Section: Has A Colon In The Name
url: whatever

- ToC Item: toc/
readers: <group name>
writers: <group name>
The sitemap get parse into a record sitemap-data. This record is present in fpm The record looks like this
record sitemap-data (fpm.ftd)
-- record sitemap-data:
toc-item list sections:
toc-item list subsections:
toc-item list toc:
optional toc-item current-section:
optional toc-item current-subsection:
optional toc-item current-page:
string list readers:
string list writers:

-- record toc-item:
optional string title:
optional string url:
optional string font-icon:
optional string img-src:
boolean is-heading:
boolean is-disabled:
boolean is-active: false
toc-item list children:
string list readers:
string list writers:

The record sitemap-data contains sections, subsections and toc. For different document these values would be different. We can get this values by calling the sitemap processor which returns the value of sitemap-data type.

Note: nav-title override for any page can be specified in sitemap, if specified, the current-* will use the overridden titles.

In sitemap, we can now use readers and writers for access control. readers and writers are user groups. We can use access controls at sitemap, section, subsection and toc levels.