Author Manual
Builder Manual
Install fpm
Update fpm
Create new fpm project
Create new fpm project on github
Build fpm project locally
Publishing On Github pages
Publishing On Vercel
Use Favicon
Custom Fonts
Create Font Package
Auth Testing

Publishing Static Site On Vercel
Vercel is an incredibly easy to use tool which helps you build and ship your websites with an easy to use interface. You can get started with a fresh repository (step 1) or you can deploy your existing repository (step 2).

You Lose Many Dynamic Features In Static Modes

FPM comes with a lot of dynamic features, which are only available when you are using fpm server for hosting.

The main feature you will miss when using fpm as static site generator is authentication, you can not create private fpm sites, or fpm sites with mixed mode, some pages public and some accessible to only few people.

Step 1. Choosing the source of your deployment

Step 1.1. Start from scratch: New Repository
Use this template to initialize. Check out step 2 for the configuration setup.
Just choose your repository name and click on the Create button

Step 1.2. Deploy an existing repository

Deploying an existing FPM repository on vercel is quite easy. On your vercel dashboard, click on New Project and select your git provider and the repository accordingly.

Once done, you’ll be taken to the Configuration Dashboard of the application. Select the FRAMEWORK PRESET as Other and enter the configuration mentioned in Step 2.

Step 2. Vercel FPM configuration
Once the application is up and ready, head over to Settings > General and enter the following configuration in the Build & Development Settings

Build Command
fpm build --base=/
Output Directory
Install Command
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FifthTry/fpm/main/install-fpm.sh)"
Congratulations, your FPM package is now successfully hosted. You can head over to the application dashboard to see your deployment domain(s).