Author Manual
Builder Manual
Install fpm
Update fpm
Create new fpm project
Create new fpm project on github
Build fpm project locally
Publishing On Github pages
Publishing On Vercel
Use Favicon
Custom Fonts
Create Font Package
Auth Testing

How to create font package
Follow below instructions:

How to use google-font-to-fpm package

While creating new fpm font package you need to download google-font-to-fpm.

Follow below steps to download google-font-to-fpm.

  • Goto link: google-font-to-fpm
  • Clone google-font-to-fpm repository into your local
  • Check if python is installed Or install python.
  • Once you installed python3 on your machine, install requests via using below command on command prompt

python3 -m pip install requests

How to copy Google Font CSS

Follow Below steps on https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lato?query=lato to download font CSS. Here we are going to use Lato font.

  • Goto lato page on Google Font
  • Select all font stypes by clicking on + Select this style link
  • Right sidebar you will see selected fonts - check if only Lato font styles are present
  • Right sidebar bottom from the Use on the web section click on @import radio
  • Copy Google Font url e.g. Click here…
  • Open it in new tab on the same browser window
  • Copy all CSS styles by selecting all styles - ctrl+a(windows) and ctrl+c OR command+a and command+c (macOS)
  • open google-font-to-fpm repository folder into SubLimeText editor
  • open font.txt file
  • paste Google Font CSS code into font.txt file

Create new fpm font package on GitHub.com

Create new repository on your GitHub account, here we are creating package for Lato font so package name should be e.g. https://github.com/FifthTry/lato-font (replace FifthTry with your github account name).

  • Once you create new repository named lato
  • Clone this newly created repository onto your local machine
  • Goback to SubLimeText editor with google-font-to-fpm repository
  • open read_google_font.py file, search for package_name
  • change the package name with your lato repository package name

package_name = "fifthtry.github.io/inter-font"
name = "inter"
Change above lines with:
package_name = "fifthtry.github.io/lato-font"
name = "lato"
Run read_google_font.py file on command prompt
python3 read_google_font.py
  • Open google-font-to-fpm repository into SubLimeText editor
  • Copy FPM.ftd file and paste it to your repository
  • Copy static folder and paste it to your repository
  • Run fpm build on your repository
  • Push repository code to GitHub