Author Manual
Builder Manual

About fpm

ftd is a language to create web pages or documents for publishing on the web. fpm takes markdown, and adds features to create full page layouts, lets you create reusable “ftd components”, and has first class support for data modelling, so the ftd document can be used as an data exchange format as well (as a replacement of JSON/CSV etc).

FPM: Package Manager

fpm is “ftd package manager”, defines a package format for packaging ftd files. fpm packages can depend on other fpm packages, and fpm can install all the dependencies of a package.

Learn more.

FPM: Static Site Generator

fpm can also convert ftd files to static HTML files, so you can use it as a static site generator, and publish FTD files on github pages, S3 etc static site hosting sites.

Learn more about FPM as static site generator.

FPM for Remixing/Curating Documentation

FPM has a feature that let’s you reuse content, you can include the same document in multiple places in your site, and you can also include content present in other packages.

Learn mode about remixing packages here.

FPM for Distributing Static Assets
FPM can be used for distributing images, and fonts as packages.