Author Manual
Builder Manual

Local Identity for Testing

Since identity requires people to sign in, and that may happen via oauth etc, local development can become a pain, so we use a local identity feature, only for testing.

How to Test Auth

When Would This Feature Work
For safety this will only happen if fpm serve is listening on Also it will not happen if HOST key feature is being used.

How to Use Local Identities
This feature can be used on a per request basis using identities cookie, or globally via --identities cli argument to fpm serve.

--identities cli parameter
When launching fpm server we can also specify fpm serve --identities="email: amitu, github: amitu", if so every request will be assumed to have this identity.

What to do if both are passed?
If the server started --identities and identities cookie is found, so we will prefer cli --identities and ignore the cookie.